
Monday 9 August 2021

symmetrical insect drawing

Привет people  

today we had to draw half of an insect and then trace it on a light box.

but we had to make it  symmetrical if you dont know what  symmetrical means ill tell you,

made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis; showing symmetry.
"the shape of a hill, smooth and symmetrical"
 and then we took a picture and here it is

Thursday 8 July 2021

Matariki Menu

 Hello readers 

this week is the week were we celebrate martaiki

Martaiki is about the seaven sister,many diffrent cultures celebrate martaiki like america,greeks and japan

in new zeland the martaiki story was that,there were 7 sister and they were all fight about whos kiet with fly the longest and so the sisters tied the kiets around there granpa(witch was a tree)and they went to sleep and when the oldest sister woke up when everyone was a sleep,and she relsiesed that her kiet was flying away so she told her sisters,and all of their kiets had flowin away 

Wednesday 14 April 2021

St Bernadette

 Hello readers!

 today in class we had to write about St bernadette and do a journal entery about like if we were bernadette.this is about lourdes,lourders is were bernadette saw mary,when she saw mary she started parying the hail mary.In lourders there is spring water there people belive that the water their can heal people.I hope you enjoy this if you have any questions let me know and i would really like some feedback 

Friday 19 February 2021

kwaw of care

 today in cybersmart 

we lernt about keeping our chromebooks safe and others 

i would like to know what you guts thik of this and i how you enjoy

Wednesday 2 December 2020

news paper

Hello readers

Today in cybersmart we were doing a news paper about camp we had to include some links to a separet site and we had to put some fake new beside not finshied so dont jugde mine to hard do u you like it?and do u think you would like to do this? 


Friday 18 September 2020

digital technology

hello readers!!!!!!!

Today we did some coding i wanted to sheare what i did for mine. I did mine by myself it was really fun I wansnt looking forward to this today but it was joyfull.i think I did well becuase it was hard at first but then my teacher showed me how and once I fuigerd out how to ues it it was fun. my question to you is do you think you would like to do it?

Friday 4 September 2020


hello readers 

today in class we measured the classroom with an measureing tape it was 9m by 7m.then we measured the desk they were 60cm was the width and 120 was th length.

My question to you is do you thin i did good and do you think i could of done better let me know in the comments