
Wednesday 7 August 2019

first venngage

today in cyber smart we made our first venngage hope you like it.


  1. Well done Olivia-Rose,

    You have shown creativity with this DLO by using Venngage. Giving someone a compliment is a very positive interaction online. We do need to think about our digital footprint eh? Maybe next time you could include more examples on how to interact positively online. Keep up the great work!

    Ms Wilton

  2. Hi Olivia-Rose
    Great job on using Venngage. It is always nice to receive compliments no matter in what form. Tip for next time add more detail to your work. Keep up the good work.
    Miss Rader

  3. Hi Olivia-Rose.
    Thanks for sharing your Venngage post. Did you find it easy to do?
    I like that you used compliments. Everybody likes to hear positive things about themselves.
    Mrs Bowman

  4. Hi Oliva-Rose,
    Well done you've mastered how to do a Venngage post.What a lovely way to pay a compliment to somebody.Keep up the blog post .
    Trish Wakefield


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
Encourage me to make another post

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.