
Tuesday 11 September 2018

The sun

WALT     We were learning abut the sun and I did a play and a slide show. So if you like the sun and the earth this is the thing for you. I've done some fun stuff abut the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Olivia-Rose,
    I wanted to leave you a comment because I was really proud of the way that you were working and listening today. Well done. This is a great slide show. I am unsure about one of the facts though... on slide 4 you have said that the Sun is 4 and a half years old... I don't think that is true because it has been around for my whole life... at least 28 years!
    I wonder if you could fix it up with the accurate age of the sun?
    Look forward to hearing from you,
    Miss Morgan
    (15 points!)


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