
Wednesday 2 December 2020

news paper

Hello readers

Today in cybersmart we were doing a news paper about camp we had to include some links to a separet site and we had to put some fake new beside not finshied so dont jugde mine to hard do u you like it?and do u think you would like to do this? 


Friday 18 September 2020

digital technology

hello readers!!!!!!!

Today we did some coding i wanted to sheare what i did for mine. I did mine by myself it was really fun I wansnt looking forward to this today but it was joyfull.i think I did well becuase it was hard at first but then my teacher showed me how and once I fuigerd out how to ues it it was fun. my question to you is do you think you would like to do it?

Friday 4 September 2020


hello readers 

today in class we measured the classroom with an measureing tape it was 9m by 7m.then we measured the desk they were 60cm was the width and 120 was th length.

My question to you is do you thin i did good and do you think i could of done better let me know in the comments 

Wednesday 26 August 2020

spam commenting

 hello today at Cybersmart we used book  creator. we made a what to do if u have spam commenting. tell me what you think of it and do you think i did good?i know spam commenting is happening all around the world and it needs to stop i wasn't here last week so i had to start early.

click here to view my book        thiis is what my book cover looks like 

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Blog Commenting

What I know about blog commenting is: it can help people improve there skills and brightens up their day and helps them become better at there writing. 

Last week we learnt how to put a link in to a comment  

  <a href="insert URL here">Insert display text here</a>

Where it say insert URL here you delete and paste the link.

Where it says Insert display text here you delete and write what you want to say e.g click here to listen/watch/read.

Can you leave me a comment with a link. have a try!

room fours blog

Friday 12 June 2020

T2 W9

This term for strand math we have been learning about angles and 2D shapes transformations(rotation,reflection,translation and enlargement

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Wombats - Acrostic Poem

Check out the Acrostic Poem that my reading group came up with during our Hangout today!
We have been reading about an Australian marsupial called a Wombat.